
Showing posts from December, 2023

The Fae/acc Manifesto

It is a popular passtime of humans, since the advent of mass literacy, to write manifestos, calls to action, and the like. Especially in the age of the internet, when your potential audience is measured in the billions. And especially if you believe you have Something Important To Say, That Will Change The World. Your mileage may vary on whether or not this manifesto falls into that category; for the most part it is a collection and ordering of various streams of thought, partly inspired by and reacting to the plethora of “[x]/acc” manifestos and micromovements, about where humanity stands and should stand in the universe. Remember that acceleration is not always a change in speed; it can also be a change in direction… 1. A sufficiently complex process is indistinguishable from a person “ I propose to consider the question, "Can machines think?" This should begin with definitions of the meaning of the terms "machine" and "think."… ...Instea